Tuesday, September 11, 2007

“Final Exits” author makes false statement about Bobby Darin

It has recently come to the attention of this blog that author Michael Largo has included a completely false and possibly libelous passage about Bobby Darin in his book "Final Exits: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of How We Die." As part of a list of celebrity deaths, he states, "Bobby Darin, age thirty-seven, dies of heart failure while snorting cocaine."

There is absolutely no evidence of any kind to support this statement. The numerous Darin print biographies, as well as statements and stories from Darin's many friends and colleagues, make it clear that Darin did not use any kind of illegal drugs, and in fact, didn't even drink.

The information that Bobby Darin's heart was damaged due to rheumatic fever as a child, and that he suffered life long heart problems, and that he passed away after open heart surgery in December of 1973, is all readily available.

It is a mystery as to why this author would jump to such a ridiculous and factually unsound conclusion.

There are several ways you can do your part to help correct this egregious error: You can write to the publisher, to the author, and you can post a review on Amazon, warning potential buyers of this book that it contains fiction masking as non-fiction.

The author's address: finalexits@aol.com

The publisher's address: feedback2@harpercollins.com

Direct link to the product listing on Amazon, where you can post a review:

"Final Exits" at Amazon

To add a review, scroll down to the reviews at the bottom of the page and click the "Write Your Own Review" link.

The Darin Estate has been notified of this situation, and has issued a statement that they will be contacting the appropriate parties.

My sincere thanks go to Amy Hagstrom for first posting this information on the Bobby Darin Discussion Group at Yahoo.

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